A strong Europe as our purpose

The challenge of multiple change

Europe is facing challenges that are probably unprecedented in the recent past of this continent in terms of number and scope: socially, culturally, economically, ecologically. Each one requires a corresponding change; in sum, there is multiple pressure on people to change. For quite a few, this leads to a feeling of insecurity, of being overwhelmed, of worry, and anxiety. The result: retreat — for example to 'yesterday', where everything was supposedly safer and better. Yet this is only an illusion — and the bad news here: a dangerous and self-destructive one.

The question is: What could a solution look like that offers a possible way out? A solution with which Europe and its people can actively (re) accept — and overcome — the challenges?

The power of a common ground

People are particularly capable of great things when they act as a community — based on a common basis, a common identity.

Two aspects regularly provide decisive strength: self-confidence and a strong sense of togetherness.

Self-confidence, understood as knowledge of one's own strengths, from which self-confidence develops. And a sense of togetherness as a link between people — as belonging and belonging.

As a socio-psychological phenomenon, this applies generally to groups of people: from small groups to communities, for example in a place or region, a nation — or even a continent.

Europe as self-confidence, Europe as a sense of togetherness

We are convinced that Europe does not yet have such a European identity to the extent that would be desirable.

With the European Union, we have a fundamental (and without question: absolutely necessary) construct. What does this not necessarily include, however, is a felt and lived identity: Who are we in common, what makes us special and strong as a community? What skills do we have that give us strength and self-confidence? And give us a feeling of togetherness and standing together? And this is in line with existing regional and national (cultural) identities, which often form the basis of belonging.

This raises the question: How can we succeed in developing a European identity that gives us such shared self-confidence and creates a strong sense of togetherness — and at the same time integrates regional identity?

Our concern

To help Europe and its people developing a European identity — with a positive self-confidence and a strong sense of togetherness

In search of Europe's quality

That is why we are setting out to explore what such a joint strength — the quality of Europe — could be.

We visit the various regions of Europe, talk to people and learn something about them personally and their passions: about the strengths of their respective nation, their region, their culture and their characteristics.

We explore what defines the regions — and what could unite them — a common quality that defines and unites us across Europe.

And we hear what we can learn from each other despite all our diversity, how we can combine the respective regional strengths to become even stronger together.

Focus on the positive and constructive

In doing so, we focus on what helps us to cope with the future: the positive and constructive. To do this, we listen to people about their ideas and suggestions. The focus is on people who want to make a difference, who act, who create. People who act with commitment and courage, people with passion who live their passion. Both to people who have the resources to change things and to those who, despite having few resources, are struggling — for the sake of it.

We do this because it is the people from whose abilities and competencies we can learn a great deal. Because they can infect and inspire us with their energy. And because we can learn particularly well from them how to successfully master even the biggest challenges.

An inspiring community as a result

With all this, THE QUALITY OF EUROPE offers a wide range of inspiration for what makes Europe positive: places, people, products. In its diversity — and unity!

Our goal is to connect those who share an interest in a strong and prosperous Europe and thus establish an appropriate community with these people.